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Curriculum Statement

History at Stamshaw Junior School


All planning should be driven by the aims:

To provide the foundations to understand, question and explain historic events and how they have shaped our world. 


To develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about history. 


To have the skills to understand: 

Chronologymake historical enquiriesmake historical interpretations and have an understanding of events, people and changes as well as organise and communicate their findings. 



We promote learning through EPIC lessons, so they are excited about history and develop curiosity about things have happened in the past.  

Our children learn best when they are inspired about what they are learning. This will encourage thinking and enable them to raise their own questions.  

 We provide opportunities for practical enquiry and research, where children can discover learning for themselves.  


We want to encourage the children to become independent learners, who have the skills to question the world around them and be able to answer their own questions.  

We develop children’s historic knowledge and conceptual understanding, because this will ensure the children have a rich foundation of history, allowing them to discuss and deepen their understanding further. 

History Progression of Sequencing

History Progression Document