Design & Technology
Curriculum Statement
Design & Technology at Stamshaw Junior School
Design Technology provides the children at Stamshaw Junior School the opportunity to become budding young innovators by applying their creativity and practical problem-solving skills in fun, exciting and practical ways. Using challenging questions or real-life problems as a hook, we encourage our children to design and build products that solve problems in a variety of contexts. Our intent is to build strong and meaningful links between Design Technology and other areas of the curriculum, with a particular focus on STEM subjects.
Our children design and create products that consider function and purpose, and which are relevant to a range of sectors. These include the home, school, leisure, industry, and the wider environment. Through a variety of creative and practical activities, we teach the knowledge, understanding and skills needed.
The children then follow a ‘plan, make and review’ model to be successful:
Plan, Make and Review model | |
Ask | |
Research | |
Plan | |
Make | |
Test | |
Evaluate | |
Improve |
Children use ‘ask’ and ‘research’ to inform their rationale for the creation of appealing products that are fit for purpose, and relevant to the need. Children work together, through discussion, sketches and prototypes, to ‘plan’ and ‘make’ their initial designs. These are always tested to ensure that they meet the criteria – linking back to their communicated reasoning behind the design and research. Evaluation allows pupils to investigate and analyse existing products, as well as investigate their own ideas against a design criterion to improve their work.
Alongside the ‘plan, make and review’ model, children focus on technical knowledge that allows them to apply their understanding of how to strengthen and reinforce more complex structures, as well as understand and use mechanical and electrical systems in their products. They can apply their understanding of computing to program, monitor and control their products.
In food and nutrition, children develop a practical understanding of nutrition, food sources and basic food preparation. They apply the same principle of plan, make and review, and apply simple cutting and measuring techniques.
We ensure children develop the creative, technical and practical expertise they need to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world. They are provided with a sequenced model to enable them to implement a successful design process from start to finish, that can be used in later life. By building and applying a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills, they become confident designing and making high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users.
Design & Technology Progression of Sequencing